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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Recap, Photo Style

Since I'm just too busy to actually post anything (working, doing a custom bag order (ugh, vinyl isn't my friend right now)) I thought I'd post some pictures of my reunion courtesy of Neha. I haven't even unloaded my pictures from my camera. I'm such a slacker. Enjoy!
Angela, Neha and Me

Group shot (I'm in the middle somewhere)

Me, Heather Peake, Jennifer Putnum, Kellie Nutt and Kara Rogers

Ashley Dredge and Husband

And the cutest couple there...we didn't win anything, we should have though!

Me and Nehahahahahaha. We had a good time.

Monday, August 28, 2006

"Oh I'm a Cocktail Waitress in Vegas! What Are You Doing?"

So you'd think 10 years would change a lot of people. Apparently, I look exactly the same...or so I was told 15 times. That was a little disappointing at my 10 year this weekend. I felt stupid when I didn't recognize people, especially when they knew me.

Other things that didn't change:

-Clicks (So sad honestly, I'm a cool girl. I say "Hi" and smile, you do nothing cause you only had 4 years of High School with me. And Junior High. And we were in Elementary School together. Don't pretend you don't know me.)
-Sluts (The same ones in High School, were the same ones 10 years later.)
-Leaving the Band kids out. (If you're gonna take a photo of the cheerleaders, drill team and all sports teams, don't leave everyone else out because we, the Band kids, were well-represented.)
-Casey Laden. Enough said.

Things that did change:

-Amazingly, we have a hot group of girls in our class. I was very surprised by this.
-Neha Patel smoking. (booooo)
-Thinking you know something about someone (having a baby) and finding out 10 years later it wasn't true. Oh my garage, I seriously thought this chick had a baby! People told me she did and I felt bad. She had my pity for over 10 years!
-How many people actually drink. But that really wasn't a surprise.

With nothing else to do there (no entertainment was provided except Casey Laden dancing to Journey), it was pretty boring. Neha, Angela Grier and Casey provided entertainment for Justin. He thought they were hilarious. And they are.

I went in with no expectations (if it sucked, we'd go to the hotel bar and if it didn't, well, we'd go to the bar provided). But it was about half and half. So, not too bad for 10 years later. But don't expect me to hit up my 20. Unless there's gambling.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My NEW Job

As some of you already know (and support) I have started making purses. Mostly because I suck at making clothes. If I made it on Project Runway, I'd so be like Bradley, hanging on by a thread (oh I'm so funny). But seriously, I'm having so much fun making purses, totes and bags. Much more fun than video editing or cutting various colors of paper or going grocery shopping for work parties and lunch meetings. (Actually I like the shopping part, even if it is for food.)

I have a little shop too! I only have a few items listed because everyone is buying them right and left. Just kidding. Actually I had about 7 different things up and one day (after announcing to all my friends about my new shop) 3 things were bought! It was an exciting time. I was all giddy like a little girl buying a purse! What great friends I've got.

So, until I'm a full blown purse maker, I'm keeping the 9-5 (more like 7-4, ouch). Bookmark the link (on the right side of the page), tell your friends, spread the word. Kate Spade look out! Oh and Coach you should probably look out too. I'v already mastered yours...minus the leather.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Maybe It's Just Us?

It seems that when Justin and I do anything big or have something planned, others cause problems. Take my wedding, September 15th 2001, yes the same week as all the terrorist activity. Last week, flying out for a great vacation to Madison WI and Chicago and I had to throw away my favorite Clinique lip gloss and I missed my flight!

We made it obviously because I got to see Regiment put the smack down on Blue Devils and the Cadets. 2nd place ain't too shabby! But I've also learned never to order DCI tickets online. I plan to call a friendly agent next week for my tickets (for next year in Pasadena!).

Our plan was to sit high for semi's and for final's sit low and be blown away. Besides the cold Wisconsin air, semi's was great. Our view was fabulous and the sound was pretty loud. So we were ready to be blown away on finals night.

We weren't. It was hard to be blown away sitting on the 13 yard line. But we still got to see many great shows. More like a few great shows. Ok, maybe one or two. It wasn't a fantastic year. We've got high hopes for next year.

We spent some time in Chicago with Justin's parents. I was scared to death on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Center (or as I called it "Herbie Hancock"). I finally got to see Wicked and let me tell was fabulous!! I also got to see the famous fountain from Married with Children (aka the Buckingham Fountain). Justin insisted on singing the song while walking around it. I finally put the kiabosh on that. And no vacation is complete without a trip to Ikea. They made it easy since everything is flat packed. So we just made sure we didn't buy any furniture that wouldn't fit in our suitcases.

Flight home, delayed. Lame. But we made it home and I had a crappy 3 days at work. Yeah! On to a better work week.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's Finals Week

I've been really lucky so far. I've enjoyed all Regiment shows I've seen and/or heard. Can the same be said for Alunmi of Blue Devils or especially The Cadets this year? Honestly, I've loved a few shows of most of the top corps and even some of the lower division I corps. But to really enjoy the same group every year is amazing. Justin says it the music they play; it's real music (oooh slam on BD).

Maybe that's why I marched Regiment. Actually, I know why I went there in the first place. All the guard girls were hot, well respected and knew how to crack a rifle, so awesome! I wanted to be one of them. And I was for two years. I totally was hot... everyday in the swealtering sun. I was respected...because I was one of 35 girls in the whole corps with about 100 guys around. One was bound to like me. As for the "cracking a rifle" I didn't get a chance, but I heard it across the field. And they rocked!

So, as this season comes to an end, 7 years after I aged-out, I'm reminded of what it was like in Madison. Tony Hall saying we'll clean it later. Um, this was finals week, there wasn't a later. The French-Canadian staff giving up on us (Good thing they didn't ask them back the next year). Having a body I wish I could have again and telling myself that I could keep it that way. Don't we all, kids. Being glad the stupid leg cramp I had for about two months was finally going to go away. And best of all, a real bed.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Brush Snob

Don't be a snob! That's what I wanted to say to the front desk girl at my hair place. I got my hair cut from my favorite girl. Ya she might charge more than Great Clips but I don't have to worry about getting a not-so-flattering 80's hair style. Trust me, they'll never come back.

When Gina was done with me, we walked to the front desk and I asked her what sized round brush she used on me. I've got the biggest round brush you can imagine but I obviously needed to go smaller (since my hair was now shorter). She showed me the size and I looked at it. "Sure I'll get it."

I handed it to the front desk girl and Gina and I kept chatting. The snob said,"The brush is $35." I looked at her in shock!

"Um, no thanks. I'll just go to Sally or Ulta and get one." So I put it back. Gina said, "Ok, I don't think I get commission on brushes anyway."

After some thought I think Gina either said that because I said no or she really doesn't get commission. I guess I can find out when I go back in a month for highlights.

Even Justin knew $35 was too much for a brush. He was happy with my new cut and not spending $35 on a brush. I better not tell him how much the highlights will be. Then the brush price might not sting as much.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

There's Still Time!

Scores are getting close, shows should be done and my flight leaves next Thursday at 8:40am! If you haven't been following any aspect of this summer...shame on you! Just kidding. Actually this has been an exciting summer for shows. Minus the Cadets. I've always been a Blue Knights basher (or more like, "their show") but I've moved onto Cadets this year. They will be my hotdog corps (or since we will be in Madison they'll be my Brat corps).

My predictions (and these are just for me so I won't be saying "I told you so!"):
5th place-Cadets
4th place-Blue Coats (oooh they are doing so well!)
3rd place-Blue Devils (Jazzy
2nd place-Phantom Regiment (I wish they'd win but I haven't seen Cavis and since they are scoring so high, I have to say that they will win.)
1st place-Cavies (but I still think that Regiment could take this. Since they are winning most captions. Thats right!)

Don't worry if you can't go. You can follow everything at (and I suggest you do :) )