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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Wait is Over!!!!

Internet, It's been a long wait, but I'd like to introduce you to my new little baby*:

Delivered: Yesterday, May 28th
Weight: Around 3lbs (so cute!)
Dimensions: 10" (so tiny!)

Aren't we cute??

And aren't these cute??

Chubby feet that got bigger in the span of 15 minutes while waiting for Justin to pick me up. He lovingly referred to them as "hobbit feet." Mmmmm, cankles. You can't even SEE my bunions! Amazing! But I don't recommend this look when you've already got some other area on your body completely swollen courtesy of a full-term BABY.

*Oh, did you think this was actually a delivery announcement? Circle one:

Yes No Sucker

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teh Pimp

Justin's new toy.

Until baby arrives.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Dump

It seems regular posting is heading south or non-existent (unintentionally of course). Unless you want everything to be baby related? But I thought it was time for a camera dump post again.

Look who we haven't seen in a while!

SCULLY! She's doing well. Here, she's posing with her not so favorite home, her crate. We sold it on craigslist and I needed to show the size of it compared to my wee little girl. She's so happy it's gone now. And Justin really likes this picture of her. So grown up!

This is Max. He turned 4 on Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa got him a 4x4 electric hot wheel (or whatever those plug-in cars are called). His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it. We were hoping he'd forget the rest of his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, but, no, he didn't forget. The good thing about 4-year-old's, they don't care if adults are around. Except, this guy is in LOVE with Justin. But the 4x4 did distract him enough for us to leave.

"I think I might be pregnant AND these are on SALE!" - clearance aisle at Cub.

Out shopping for a nursery chair on Saturday. I know, talk about waiting til the last minute. Justin decided this one wasn't a good rocker or recliner and it might be a little hard to get out of. But after sitting in 10 chairs from various stores, we ended up picking the one we liked about 3 months ago, but just couldn't commit. "We can't waffle anymore!" And bam, money spent, chair on order, delivery sometime in the next 4-6 weeks. Seeing as I'm due in about 3, we'll see which comes first.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Day of Misery

Yesterday was the first "hot" day of Minnesota. I'm sure we've had some warm days in the past few months but seriously, yesterday was HOT. Upper 80's to the low 90's by the time I got home from work. I even got a farmer's tan on my arm during the drive home.

Once home, I walked in to see Justin wearing a hoodie. I said, "WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT?!?! I'm DYING over here!"

A few years back we had a conversation about things we missed from either Salt Lake or the Midwest, in general. While we both had really dumb things we missed (me - Sconecutter, Justin - the Minnesota State Fair) we both agreed that we missed basements the most. On day's like yesterday, the basement is a life saver. Justin was so chilled he had to wear a hoodie.

I was hot. I was swollen ALL over. Scully was hot and panting and annoying because of the heat. I mentioned to Justin about 7 times, if we were still in Las Vegas, I would have died by now. I couldn't walk. It was more of a slow, sloooooow waddle. I was so miserable that all I wanted for dinner was ice cream. (ok, it's frozen yogurt, but still, something cold NOT hot to eat.)

(No, I didn't have frozen yogurt for dinner.)

So while I'm really excited for it to be in the 80's, I'm more excited that I don't have to be really pregnant during the entire summer. One day was enough!

In thinking of things that I could do to stay in the basement, I decided to wash baby clothes. NO, I haven't done any of that either. I know! I'm terrible (as Tony said, "You're not a very good boy scout.") but I've got other things to do. Like stay cool and not swollen 'n stuff.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Don't Call Me Crazy, Please

I don't have a car seat, but I've got diapers covered. (I know I can't leave the hospital without a car seat, don't worry, I plan on getting one very soon. Yes, talk about waiting til the last minute.)

We're going to try out the new cloth diapers. Apparently, these things aren't like what our 70's moms used.

First up, I had no idea even where to start. Online searching one night took 4 hours just to get to know the different kinds. Fitted, All-in-Ones, Pre-folds, Pockets - I think that's it? And that's a lot! How to care for them, how to wash them, what someones day might look like with cloth diapers. The information was everywhere.

I talked to Justin about trying a few out to see if we wanted to even go this route. He's the best. We're totally using this child as an experiment, but in a good way! He didn't mind trying them out as long as I showed him how to use them. So I placed my first order. I ordered 2 fitted - Kissaluvs with 2 covers and 2 All-in-Ones. Fitted diapers are just that, they fit without having to do any folding of any kind. They've got elastic around the legs and snaps around the waist. The only thing with this style is you have to have covers for them.

And speaking of covers, those pre-folds that our moms used? You can still use them with the new style covers. So even if I run out of all these other diapers, I've still got the pre-folds.

AIO's (All-in-Ones) are basically like disposables except you don't throw them away. No covers are needed either.

I recently placed another order for a pocket diaper - FuzziBunz. These are a lot like AIO's but have a pocket in the back to add more layers in case your kid is like Niagara.

The resale value of these things are not like the housing market in Las Vegas. You can get a lot of money out of them - even used. I purchased more on Craigslist last week. Actually, they were brand new, she just never used them. So I scored them a few dollars cheaper than I would have at an online retailer. (I bought more Kissaluvs and covers.)

The initial cost for cloth diapers is high. And it's not like we can't afford disposables, we can (I've already bought some because I'm pretty sure I'll only be able to handle one big baby challenge a day). I'm no hippie either, I'm pretty sure I'll be using a lot of water to wash these things so please don't tell me I'm doing no better with cloth.

Honestly, I think they'll be easier. Easier that I won't have to go out late at night or at all because I ran out of diapers. There's a less chance of diaper rash but only if I change baby right away. Who knows what's in disposables and if they cause any long-term effects (since they've really only been around for the past 20-25 years). Potty training has been proven easier using cloth diapers instead of pull-ups. And they are cute too!

Sure, they'll be a downside. Like washing. I get it, people are grossed out. But seriously, if you can pop a kid out, what else is gonna gross you out? A dirty diaper? Oh, please. (We just went to our birth preparation class - lots of "gross" talk.) Anyway, breastfeed diapers can be thrown in the washer, no dunking at all. Once you start solids, then you have to "take care of things" before washing. But no soaking is necessary.

I've yet to try this out, seeing as I haven't had my baby yet (please don't start calling asking if I've had the baby. Few weeks left, people). And there is a lot more info regarding cloth but I figure I should become an expert (or not) before I go into that stuff. But I'm prepared with my small diaper stash including disposables.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Year Ago

It was one year ago when I went for my first interview. I admit, I lied about where I was that weekend to our friends and co-workers in Las Vegas. But we really thought bad things would happen to both of us if we told everyone I was looking for a job and had interviews with a company out of state.

Looking back, I guess it wasn't that big of deal. But I really hated lying to people about where my new job was. And that "No, we aren't moving." Oops, HI we're moving.

Despite a long, difficult winter (mostly for Justin, even though I spent numerous mornings in negative temps waiting for a bus), we're finally getting used to it here. There are many things we miss about Las Vegas, even Salt Lake City. But with spring finally here and summer around the corner (EEEEEEE!), our attitudes have gotten better.

Our house and all its projects are taking shape and getting done. We didn't have anything to do last night because of a power outage so we finished up some projects that didn't require electricity. And you know what? They took all of 30 minutes. But it feels good to finish them. And it felt good to have the power back on because I needed a fruit smoothie made in my awesome new blender! Because, you know, when you move across country, you don't have room for that old blender.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


34 weeks and belly button hasn't popped yet (man that thing is DEEP). So my prediction of 35 weeks might not be far off.

Shall I up it to 36 or just go for 40?

And btw, my sister-in-law had 2 of her 6 kids before 34 weeks. She was just reminding me last night. They were really, really little.

And, and btw, this kid is pushing me around, using my hip bone as a spring board.

Friday, May 01, 2009

New Poll

Well, now that we've clearly determined that baby is a GIRL based on your votes, although the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar states my baby is a BOY, let's guess when she'll show up.

And if you'd like to get on a "it's a..." email list, send me your email. I can't assume you'll want to know, so send me your address. I won't spam you, I have nothing to spam. And I don't tweet so don't ask if I have an account.