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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Overall Ok

Ok, so my days have been better, thanks for asking everyone (those who called too). I still don't know who hit my car. Maybe they ate the can of bad peaches. I can only hope.

My parents are coming to town along with my grandparents. Should be fun. Except when I told Justin where my grandparents are sleeping he guffed.

"Why can't they sleep in the same bed like normal people?"
"Cause they haven't my entire life."

My serger is out on the table and I started on these pants (5144). Pretty simple design for pants (not the gauchos) but I think I used the wrong stitch. Oh my serger does like 12 different ones so I just guessed. Guess I was wrong! The pants themselves don't look bad at all. I still need to hem them up. But I want to do the cover stitch on it. Gotta find out how to thread it. But it's so nice!

After the pants, I'm making Justin a wallet. He's been begging for one and the test one didn't turn out so good. He's picked out better fabric so it should turn out much better than the first.

Well here's to a better week.

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