I'm not the first to talk about this group, but I feel if you haven't heard of them, I should tell you. The Hazzards are a 2 girl ukulele group that have such great songs like Gay Boyfriend and Just a Temp. "Keep your business in your slacks, I am just a temp." With their cuteness and clever lyrics, this group is just fun to listen to while your painting your new bedroom. "What are you singing?" "The Hazzards' Shut Up and Make Out!"
Well I have to say that I have a personal relationship with The Hazzards. You could say I'm their friend--their Myspace friend. When I found them, I had only heard Gay Boyfriend and thought "Who is this group singing about Gay Boyfriends? Who has a boyfriend that is gay?" Maybe I shouldn't be asking that question. Anyway, I got a friend request from them and I was so excited. They wanted to be my friend. I thought "Wow, they found me because I'm cool! Way to go!" But then as Myspace does, it messed up all my friend requests and I had to ask them if they still wanted me as their friend. Wow, friendship on Myspace is so hard. The good news is they did, so here I am, telling you about my friends, The Hazzards.
I bought their cd with all 5 of their songs and was so excited to see it in the mail yesterday! Except the case was cracked. (can I get a new one The Hazzards?) But I'm happy listening to Girl Beer, Just a Temp, SexySpirit4U, Shut Up and Make Out, Gay Boyfriend and The Business. Even if the case is cracked.
So if your in the mood for new music that isn't mainstream, check out The Hazzards. "Will you sign my timesheet, I am just a temp."
*BURP* Girl Beer! HA!
You can have some too.
I finally saw the gay boyfriend video...I must have more. They are hillarious!
The cd is good too if you happen to buy it for a reasonable $7 + $2 shipping. Not bad for Gay Boyfriend anytime you want. Or SexySpirit4U or Just a Temp.
It's things like this that make me glad the internet exists.
Me too! What else would I do at work all day?
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