Before: This is right before we started installing. So normally my espresso machine and other kitchen gadgets are around.

Installing the first panel!

So far so good.

Almost Done!


We think it turned out great! This was a big job and Justin did a great job. Up next: our under cabinet lights (that have been sitting boxed up for almost a year). We also put up a bar but our bar stools won't be in for about 5 weeks. So I'll post pics when that's complete.
Hey - how much does that handy-man charge for installations? And is it extra to have his tool belt pull his pants down to show butt crack?
btw - looks awesome!
Hey...crack kills.
Thanks! The kitchen/dining area is really shaping up. We are excited. Can't wait for the bar stools to show up for the final look.
I have that same shirt as Justin.
Do you have the same boxer shorts as him too? Cause you know working with metal in your boxer shorts is the way to go.
Your pictures make it look easy--totally gives me HGTV ADD.
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