It's been a learning experience for all of us. I CAN function on just a few hours of sleep. Do I prefer it? No, nope, no way. He's so cute and sweet I'll stay up rocking him until he's out even if I've only slept an hour. People say it goes by fast and I 100% agree with that statement. He's up to 10 pounds now and has outgrown his newborn onesies and diapers. But he's still little enough to cuddle up like he did when he was first born.
He loves his bouncy seat and the swing.
Although Scully doesn't like it when he starts screaming, he's very interested in her.
And unless he's sleeping, he's hard to take a photo of.
Happy one month birthday my baby Jules.
Oh, that one of him and scully is too cute!
And I can tell thats a REAL smile! I can't believe he fits into that outfit now.
Scully will be making an appearance every month with Jules.
Right after those photos were taken this morning, I had to change him. Darn diapers are too big for him still. So he was in that outfit for all of 10 minutes.
He is precious Jessi! Good work!
My sister's boy had a similar relationship with their dog when he was still a baby. They get along better now.
Awww - he's soooo darn cute!
What a beautiful baby boy you have! Mine just turned one, I can't believe how fast it goes!
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