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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things I'm Loving Lately

- the walk into work. I don't park in the parking garage at work anymore for many reasons. My new parking situation is a few blocks away and outdoors. Now that spring is mostly here, the walk in is nice, even in the rain. Makes me feel like part of the city. No idea why, but it just does.
- Muse. Their new album, you know, from last year, is so good in every way. Rock, sexy rock, classical, some song that sounds Jewish to me (clarinets make me think of Jewish songs, no idea why. I'm weird.).
- finally feeling like an adult. Job with challenges, rewards, co-workers I adore and respect and others who are meh. The fact that I have a kid is finally making me feel like I'm in my thirty's too.
- cooking from my pantry. Taking a coupon/stockpiling break and using up everything we have.
- the sun!
- movie night!
- homemade croissants. I've been making them almost every weekend. Not good for the gut and/or butt.
- Jules and his sweet "hi-ee!" and "bi-e-e-e-e-ke".

What are you loving lately?

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