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Thursday, July 30, 2009

CVS Deals: July 25 - August 1

I got all this for $7.11! Here's how I did it:

I started off with $7.99 of ECB's from a previous purchase last week and did three transactions. (Photo books were on sale, buy one at $7.99 and get $7.99 in ECB's. I did this twice paying out of pocket for the first book.)

Transaction #1:
Arm & Hammer Detergent 2/$6
Colgate: $2.88

Total: $9.87 - $.75 (colgate coupon) - $7.99 ECB's = $1.26 (w/ tax) out of pocket. SWEET!
Earned: $2 ECB's for Arm & Hammer and $2 ECB for Colgate

Transaction #2:
Snickers x2 $1.34 (I needed a filler so I could use one ECB from the previous transaction)
Shampoo $2.99
Mouse $2.99

Total: $7.32 - $2.99 (B1G1 for the Shampoo/mouse) - $1 (snickers) - $2 (ECB's from the Colgate) = $1.85 (w/ tax)
Earned: $1.00 for the shampoo

Transaction #3:
Kashi crackers 3/$10

Total: $10.00 - $1.50 coupon x2(found here) - $1 (ECB from the Shampoo) - $2.00 (ECB from the Arm & Hammer) = $4.00 (w/ tax)
Earned: $5.00 for the crackers!

I had a problem printing the 3rd coupon, it would have been a better deal had it printed. Usually you can only print two but if you use two different web browsers and/or two computers you can print up to four times.

So I walked out with all of that and with $5.00 in my pocket for next time.


Michael said...

I stand in awe.

Todd said...

Your shopping skills are like a super power.

It's important to keep your mind active now that you're a parent. You have to do anything you can to stave off that IQ drop that comes with having kids.

Neha P. Photography said...

i'm confused! can i just give you some money and you do it for me?