Socks - knee high (I got these in the woman's section at Target-2 for $3)
Sewing Machine
needle and thread
Cut off the heel and toe of the socks.
Don't these remind you of the socks your 70's dad would wear?
Take the foot part of the sock (minus the heel and toe) and fold it into itself so the right sides are facing out. This will be the new cuff.
Slide the new cuff over the cut end of the sock - right sides together. (You'll actually match the edges, I just went further so you can see.)
Match the edges and pin.
Using a med. zig-zag stitch (for stretch), sew about 1/4" from the edge or as close as you want making sure to catch all 3 layers. If you have a serger, use the knife for a trimmed edge.
Well done! You just saved yourself $10!
For some reason, I don't have pics of Jules wearing this pair, but here he is wearing another pair. Quite the outfit, eh?
You should be playing "What a Feeling" in the back ground
Baby leg warmers?
LOL, Crystal, I know!
Awe, what a cute little boy. He's getting so big!
Awesome, I want to make these!
You are following in your mom's footsteps with sewing aren't you. I wish I had the patience!! He is darling!
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