Don't get the wrong idea here. This isn't a post on naked ladies. Sorry my male readers, maybe one day. I'd like to introduce you to my friends, The Barenaked Ladies (again, myspace helped our friendship grow). They aren't new and I'm sure most of you have heard atleast one of their songs. One Week, Another Postcard and It's All Been Done (a-woo-hoo-hoo). But they have some other songs that the radio doesn't even consider. Maybe it's because they are Canadian. Well that can't be right because Bryan Adams is on the radio (except he sucks).
It's too bad that BNL's song don't do well in mainstream. It seems that they get one, maybe two songs off of a new album played and then that's the end of it. But let me assure you, that's not the end of their great music.
Let me start with the first album I got, Stunt. The year was 1998 and I had just got back from Drum Corps. One Week just came out and everyone was talking about the crazy "chicky-china" lyrics. So I had to buy the album to find out what that was all about. I was very happy with my purchase because the rest of the album was just as original as "chicky-china" lyrics. With songs like Alcohol, In the Car and Who Needs Sleep,I'd never heard lyrics and stories like this in a musical format. I Loved it!
"Alcohol, my permanent accessory
Alcohol, a party time necessity
Alcohol, alternative to feeling like yourself
O Alcohol, I still drink to your health."
The second album was of course the next one in line, Maroon. Not to be confused with Maroon 5. Those Canadian's can sure sings some crazy songs. I loved the Conventioneers. It's a typical love story, boy meets girl (at work), they play scrabble, they do it, now work is akward. Oh so tender!
Since they had been around for a while and had many songs, they decided to do a greatest hits. It was a new cd for me. I only owned 2 of their albums and they had 3 prior to that. So it made sense for me to get the greatest hits. And now I love those songs too. So having an account on Amazon.com will help when I finally pick up those 3 cd's.
Next it was a few years before Everything to Everyone came out. I had basically scratched my two cd's from playing them so much. I had to replace them! But this album made the wait worth it. You've got to give a band credit when they can sing a song about shopping. SHOPPING!
"Well you know that it's going to be alright
I think it's gonna be alright
Everything will always be alright
When we go shopping."
See they do understand the importance of shopping. Everything will be alright.
"So shutup
And never stop
Let's shop
Until we drop"
Now you want to listen to it huh? It's a good album, trust me.
And if you aren't into some of these songs that I mentioned, don't worry they tackle the important stuff like falling asleep at the wheel, one million dollars (if I had a million dollars....I'd stop working) and the war on drugs.
So you get it all with the Barenaked Ladies. Oh and the song Alcohol is fun to sing it drunk at a karaoke bar.
Have I ever told you the story about how I jammed with BNL? Seriously, I did.
And did you know the drummer, Tyler Stewart, marched?
I have an extra copy of their first album, Gordon, if you want it.
Sweet, there's nothing like a free cd from a friend! :)
I want to jam with them, but I'd just have to clap or color guard to them cause I don't play any interesting instruments. I'm sure they don't need a Jethro Tull in their group.
I like the album that looks like a Pepsi can...with the Brian Wilson song on it.
Um, I could play the cymbals you know.
"Aqualung" by BNL featuring Jessi Foell.
I'd by it.
WG: I think that's Gordon.... The one I'm getting for free! I could play triangle.
G: Ya totally, but I need to brush up on my mad flute skills. WG knows what I'm talking about!
writinggal, that's Gordon, their first album.
Actually, it was their first regular album to be released. Million Dollars was so popular in Canada, their record label released the demo album, with 5 tracks, before Gordon came out. It was a yellow cassette.
Crap, well, copy and paste that jpg. IMG tags not allowed on Blogger. That's poopy!
Your's for $39.99
I used to have an autographed cassette, but somehow lost it years ago. :(
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