At the beginning of the night and no alcohol in his system he's pretty happy.

As the night progresses and more frosty beverages are consumed, Justin becomes happier:

The cove is named after him because of his "naked happiness" last year. So in honor of that, they named it "Justin's Cove" and covered the entire hot tub.
And the night usually ends in two ways:
1) He can barely walk but can talk your ear off.
2) He winds up with make-up on his face.

Make-up or not, shots of tequila or bite-sized Snickers, we want to wish you a Happy Halloween.

Only 54 days til Christmas!
54 days till Christmas? What the hell is wrong with you?
We are getting our lists ready. This is who I am! I was done Christmas shopping the week after Thanksgiving last year. Gotta get the deals!
Target here we come!
Oh ya, totally Target. Last year I got up early to hit the stores right when the open. And it wasn't like Utah where there are like 100's waiting outside, I was one of like 20. It was lame! No mad rush to grab, grab, grab.
thats awesome! haha.
Did Justin tell you about the time he got his face totally made up?
Also, did he dance at the Halloween party? I love the Justin dance. :)
Oh ya I remember Justin as a drunk girl with lots of make-up. That photo was plastered on the Equipment Truck until some staff member decided it wasn't very Regiment like. Lame staff member. How was I to know that was my future husband?
Justin alway's dances! Even at home. He doesn't need music either. So if you come out, I'm sure he'll dance for you.
I've embrace Justin's qualities. I'm not making fun of him. He makes me laugh everyday and that's the important thing.
Haha, I forgot about that picture being posted in the equipment truck.
Freaked me out.
Oh it freaked everyone out. Now if I can get my hands on that picture....
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