Cable t.v. has always been a luxury. When Justin and I were first married, we learned to love Fox and UPN. So we never really missed cable t.v. And if there was something that we wanted to see, we'd head over to my grannies house. She's got all the time in the world so she has to have cable. Has to!
We also used other free resources, like the library, to get caught up on our favorite series. One of these being The Sopranos. We'd heard it was fabulous and evil. We had to see it. And even though we were years behind (the show first aired in 1999 and we started watching it in 2003) we never had to wait for a new episode. So we'd check out each season and watch them with excitement. We knew the opening song, "Woke Up This Morning" by the 3rd episode and we loved Tony and Carmela. Well I just loved her house, not her accent. But it became a favorite show that we both loved to discuss and theorize.
Last year, after we breezed through the newly released season 5, we knew it would be at least 2 years before we saw season 6. It was something we just had to live with. So to hold me over, Justin got me The Sopranos Trivia game. We've only played it once and I think I got all the questions wrong, but I still tried and learned. It was like a new episode but trivia style!
But the wait is over my friends for both Season 6 and digital cable t.v.! Knowing that the first episode of season 6 starts this Sunday and knowing a friend over at Cox Cable, the timing couldn't be more perfect. I called up my friend Poodle and he got us a great 3 month deal for only $7.95. I only need 3 months because that's how long The Sopranos will be on. After that, we will go back to our basic cable. Justin says he'll need that in writing, but I don't want to pay the extra money. So Justin, (in writing) I will call Poodle and cancel HBO in 3 months; June 9th. And we will just be happy with my encore channels.
Blog readers, you are my witness!
Not gonna happen. Once you've had a taste of the good life, you can't go back!
We actually had digital cable for 3 months. But when the rate went up we turned it off. With lots of crying, knowing I was gonna miss MXC on Spike I still went through with it.
Plus I'd rather spend my money on other things. Gotta support my latte habit.
I put a little reminder in my Outlook to call you and ask if you want to remove it. Tell Justin not to sweat it.
And thanks for making me money!!
Is that the "friends deal?" I marked it on my calendar too.
So you taking us out for beer with that money? :) Just kidding!
Speaking of contests, I may win NASCAR tickets for this weekend.
Is that what Justin likes? I don't remember...
Hell NO! Speaking of NASCAR, I have an issue that I will spotlight in Monday's blog.
I can't begin a new tv show now! Don't make me watch it!
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