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Friday, December 29, 2006

Geeking Out Old School

It must be the fact that I haven't done any type of homework or research since I graduated that has led me to do all the things I used to enjoy. My musical skills are somewhat intact since I busted out the flute. I've been wanting to play again for fun but never got around to it. Now that I'm bored after work I finally got it out the other night (along with the fingering chart) and tried to play. Now I know what kids went through with braces. I sound bad...but I'm sure I'll get better with practice.

Scully likes my playing. Or so I think.

Justin got me a whole bunch of feet for my sewing machine at Christmas. I have no clue how to use some of them but I'm excited to try them out. Especially the teflon foot (to help with leather and vinyls). I'm such a geek.

Speaking of geek (or geeking out), I bought some Shrinky Dinks! I saw on craftster that some chicks were using Shrinky Dinks for their tags/labels. What a great idea! I haven't done those since hanging out with Jennifer Putum in 3rd grade. I'm sure some of them are around my old bedroom. Watch 'em shrink! That's the best part.

One old school thing I'm sad I can't geek out to anymore are my VHS tapes. We had a DVD Christmas mostly to replace all the VHS tapes that I own as well as getting a few new ones. So off to the D.I. they go. Goodbye VHS tapes. I enjoyed repairing some of you (btw, you can't repair a DVD but I'll bring that up when it happens).

Weekend preview:
Justin's parents fly in for a short trip.

A few friends are coming over for New Year's. Shrinky Dinks might be on the agenda.

I'm determined to sew this stupid skirt I've wanted. Honestly it'll take me like 2-3 hours but I can't seem to do it. Here's to hoping I'll get it done.

Eating Red Velvet Cake from Doughboys! Thanks Tony, I'm sure we'll love it!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Job Blunders

I worked at a decorative stamp call center. During this time of year, I told all the callers that their orders would arrive in a week. Surprised and happy, they loved me!

I was wrong. Shipping was two weeks.

I worked at a car dealership with a name very close to Jerry Seinfeld. I answered the phone "Thank you for calling Jerry Seinfeld!"

More than once.

At an engineering company I did administration work. I was doing inventory on everything in that building. Serial numbers, items, who's using it, etc. I forgot to save my excel file.

My boss took me working late was dedication to my job. I was frantically re-doing everything.

I was a waitress once.

I quit 4 times.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

D-List Baby!

You might be wondering why I have that little icon over to the right. And if you're not, whatever.

I was surfing a bunch of people's sewing blogs (stop laughing now) and some chick had a link to find out what "list" your blog is on. Apparently I so rule with all 5 readers that I made the D-List!

So I thought I'd share that with everyone. I guess I could be embarrassed but I think it's cool that I'm not below a D. That would be like no one ever reads my blog. So I show it proudly.

It's like College Algebra all over again!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Classic Company Christmas Party

It has gone from about 30 people at the local golf club (Justin's first year with the company), to the local bar, to the local nice casino and to finally the newest casino (meaning really nice)with about 300 people. As usual it was a fun night. Talking to all the people I talk to every day but with a drink in my hand. Wearing something that I didn't plan on cause someone told me I can't pull off red (mean I know). And driving my husband home because he didn't even know what level we parked on.

The magician totally freaked me out. They had a hula hoop contest which I was confused by but was watching intently because a guy won it. Weird how they can move like that. The fish was fabulous. I wish I had another piece. Todd took lots of photos as usual. I forgot my camera, but he got some good ones of us. (And not so good ones.)

No idea what Alex was doing in the back.

I think the best part was I got to hang out with people that I don't normally get to. Overall it was a good night. I'm sure next year they'll stock the bar better. Our guys tend to clean it out. Not good on the liver kids.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Last Minute Goals

I'm sick...again. I got over a head cold a few weeks back but I've been stuffy since. Now I think I've got Justin's sickness. My cube mate gave me some zicam to stick up my nose. I don't like things up my nose so I'm skeptic. But I did it and now we'll see how well it works.

Goal: Feel better by the end of the day.

I've been so busy with Christmas shopping and sewing. I finished my Holiday party top (Justin needs to put my computer back together so I can post pictures but here's the pattern pic). It's pretty sweet. I need to make the skirt and little jacket because the party is Friday! (Not the same pattern, I'm using a different skirt and bolero type jacket pattern.)

Goal: To complete the skirt and jacket in 2 days!

I'm also working on 2 custom dog harness bags for a guy in Florida. It's for his wife's seeing-eye dog. I'm almost done with one but it turned out about 2 inches bigger than requested. And I'm having a hard time with the sides. Ugh! I was hoping to finish it last night so I could whip up the second one. But the sides are turning out to be tougher than my proto-type was. I'll have to come up with another way of doing it.

Goal: to complete them and mail them off in 2 days!

Christmas shopping is almost done for everyone else. I've gotten a few things for Justin but he wants another helmet bag. Since my sewing skills have improved to the point where I actually know what I'm doing compared to last year when I attempted this. This bag shouldn't be too difficult. Ha! That's what I said the first time.

Goal: To finish a great helmet bag for Justin by Christmas.