Look at the CUTE sling Todd and his sister got me! I love it! And look at my cute substitute baby.
It's REALLY a bad angle of me and I'm not making excuses. Justin was sitting down, talking on the phone. I was laughing because Scully was trying to jump out. I thought she'd enjoy a little carry action from me. She's always wanting me to hold her. I guess not. I can only hope the baby doesn't try to jump out the first chance it gets.
I hate to mention it... but holy CHINS! And I DON'T hate to mention it... but holy boobage!
We spent last night at a baby consignment sale that happens twice a year. Last night (the first night) was for first-time mothers. Justin went along because, well, I kinda made him. But he seemed to have enjoyed himself picking out toys for his baby, and for him. Actually, I think most were for him since he found me in the clothes section exclaiming, "You've GOT to see this phone I found!"
Waddle, waddle, waddle over to the toy table where they had electronic games like guitar hero and phones? (kind of a weird thing to be selling at a baby/kid sale.) This phone apparently lights up. You know, for the kids. I told him to think about it for a while if he REALLY wanted one.
So while we stood in line for 1 1/2 hours to check out, he finally decided to get it. He also decided we need to come back after the baby is born because he wants to look for baby shoes. I guess it doesn't matter what we're having, Justin wants to buy shoes for this baby. NO.MATTER.WHAT! We scored a few newborn outfits, some maternity clothes and a few infant toys. And a phone.
I wonder if now every time you pull out that sling Scully will think it's for her?
Does are HUGE random TA-TAS!
For reals, boobage is the best thing about pregnancy. The end result is also good, y'know, the offspring themselves but until then, boobs win.
I think Scully will run when she sees it. She was wigged out by it.
Todd, this is why I like you. You actually say, "I'm sorry, I have to look." I appreciate that rather than the eyes obviously NOT looking at my face.
lol poor Scully.
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