My little mintop has come in so handy. I can post from any place - you know, like a laptop but without the weight and heat because, really, that's the last thing I need.
Anyway...Welcome to my 38th week of pregnancy! Now in the middle of it, I'm bigger, getting more uncomfortable, sleep is apparently for the dead, and I chopped my hair off. Apparently, you aren't supposed to do that (well drastic cuts) but the 5-6 inches she cut off were bound to go bye-bye sooner than later.
Baby is also getting on my nerves, literally. My legs are wobbly and my back is all outta whack when I stand up. But once I get moving, baby probably gets the idea and leaves the nerves alone.

Thankfully, I can work from home on days like today (heavy, wobbly legs, back pain, and any other weird pregnancy related issue) and I'm taking advantage of it. My last baby shower is this weekend. Should be fun because it's a bbq and it's supposed to rain. Ya, sure, Minnesota. You've been threatening rain for the past 2 weeks and nothing has happened. Much like my false contractions.
What's this?!! Did that belly button pop out?!
NOPE! Still all ring. I really doubt it'll come out now.
Wow, that's quite a belly you've got there!
damn, jessi! work it, girl!
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