It took a long time for us to come up with a girl's name, but when it came to selecting a boy's, it wasn't hard. We knew we wanted to keep the J.R.F thing going especially if he was a boy. Justin is more into traditional names and I wanted something unique without being so unique that people would think we were crazy.
I mentioned the name Jules in passing and Justin liked it. The reason?
Pulp Fiction.
"Jules is a badass," he said.
We covered all of our bases with his middle name, Robert, after my Grandpa, Justin's dad (middle name), and Justin's favorite Great-Uncle, Uncle Bob.

Now tell me, is this the face of a badass or what?
OMG - he looks like big time trouble!
"Jules is a badass"
Nice work guys! I like the name.
He's a diaper blowin' muthaf**ka, muthaf**ka!
OMG! Cory joked that you named him Jules after Pulp Fiction. I'm not sure if I want to tell him that he was right.
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