This was such a different year compared to last year. Baby Jules was just a small 6-month-old who really didn't know what was going on. This year, while he still didn't know what was going on, he was into opening gifts.
Especially when it's a Thomas the Train set.
Poor kid, he had to wait until the next day for us to set it up.
Jules had a great Christmas. We hope you did too.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
18 Months
The reasons why I haven't done an 18-month post until now.
You are 23 pounds, petite, cautious, a singer, laugh at everything, love cars and trains, becoming a picky eater and can't sit still long enough for a photo with Scully.
We've been singing a few songs to you for what seems like forever and you now sing them with us. "This old man..." "Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques..." You love to dance to music from the television, radio or us singing. When the "Thomas the Train" theme comes on, you start to bounce and turn in circles. That's your white-boy dance.
You only say a few words: Mama, Dada, doggie, duck, nana (banana), baby and what sounds like "touchdown!" You sign: dada, doggie, bath, car, all done, milk, hat, shoes, more, eat, bird, airplane, books, bye-bye, stars, ball, and are perfecting: train, kitty. The doctor isn't worried about your speech at this age. Unless you were a girl, then she'd be a little concerned. Apparently girls talk.all.the.time!
We all survived the big storm to 2010. (Hard to tell, but that's me, it was zero and we got about 15 inches in addition to the 12 inches that was already in the yard.) The next day we made our way out to a birthday party where you were traumatized yet again by us when we put you in this:
We thought it'd blow your mind, but apparently not. You just wanted to push it, and not RIDE in it, mom!
You fist-bump, you throw your hands in the air when we say "Touchdown!" and you know "first down." Your daddy's little football watcher.
We read stories before bed and you love it. You sign "more" after 10 books. You never want me to stop reading. You still sleep 12 hours at night and have a 3 hour nap during the day.
Toddler moments are becoming a little bit more frequent. Throwing food on the floor, throwing toys at Scully, throwing yourself on the floor, I'm starting to see a pattern here. But really, you are a very good boy and tantrums happen only about 15% of the time.
We flew to Utah for Thanksgiving and you got to meet your Great-Great Grandma Dot. She thinks you're super cute. I loaded her cork board with your pictures.
We made the annual trip to cut down our Christmas tree. You love to be outside. I think it was only 12 degrees this day. It didn't phase you at all. You aren't interested in the tree or the ornaments this year. I bet next year you'll be interested in the stuff under the tree.
When asked, you know the sounds these animals make: dog, cat, cow, and bird. And you know what a car and train say. When I asked where your nose is, you scrunch it up and breath through it fast.
Each month gets better and better, baby Jules. Merry Christmas and happy 18-month!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Mind Blown
I was cleaning out my coupon book and, in my head, it made sense to keep all coupons that were 11/1 and beyond. This was 2 days ago.
So that's where my heads been. Not with it. Not realizing November is over. It's not like life went fast. No, there were plenty of slow days. I just had no idea I celebrated Thanksgiving when looking at expiration dates of 10/31.
Month gone, poof. No recollection of it.
I recently took the Myers-Briggs personality test for work. To see my personality on paper, mind blown I tell ya. I thought it'd be some surface personality traits that are obvious until I read:
YES, THIS! Being overlooked is so frustrating and so true. Am adequate, am underappreciated. Everyone needs praise, no matter what the personality.
Some more results:
Yep, I don't like change.
Doesn't everyone?
Is that bad?
After reading all 17 pages(!) of it, I came to the conclusion that if people saw my test results, they'd think I was a doormat. Hey, walk right HERE! She's got no spine!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding?
So, what do you think? Have you taken this test? Did you find it was spot on or you have no idea who that person is on paper?
So that's where my heads been. Not with it. Not realizing November is over. It's not like life went fast. No, there were plenty of slow days. I just had no idea I celebrated Thanksgiving when looking at expiration dates of 10/31.
Month gone, poof. No recollection of it.
I recently took the Myers-Briggs personality test for work. To see my personality on paper, mind blown I tell ya. I thought it'd be some surface personality traits that are obvious until I read:
Since ISFPs believe that what they do speaks for itself, they do not attract much attention. Thus others may overlook their contributions, leading ISFPs to feel underappreciated and less adequate than they really are.
YES, THIS! Being overlooked is so frustrating and so true. Am adequate, am underappreciated. Everyone needs praise, no matter what the personality.
Some more results:
Keep personal thoughts and feelings to yourself in many circumstances; as a result, some people see you as hard to get to know.
May be quite talkative and witty with familiar people.
May be seen by others as resistant to change, although you may not see yourself that way.
Yep, I don't like change.
Expect others to respond to you with kindness.
Doesn't everyone?
Like to wait, see what happens, and then “wing it.”
Is that bad?
After reading all 17 pages(!) of it, I came to the conclusion that if people saw my test results, they'd think I was a doormat. Hey, walk right HERE! She's got no spine!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding?
So, what do you think? Have you taken this test? Did you find it was spot on or you have no idea who that person is on paper?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
17 Months
17 months gives us a little boy who adores cars and anything with wheels. You see a car on the road, on tv, in a magazine, in a book and you go nuts. You sign "car" and say "nuh!" Over and over and over. I have a feeling cars and anything with wheels are an obsession that will be with you for a long time.
You dance by stomping around. You put trash in the trash bin. You throw your hands in the air and say "dut-down!" when we yell "touchdown". You need something in both hands when you eat. You love to be outside with dad. You sing when your gloworm is on. You make car noises while playing with cars.
I took you to the Children's Museum this past month and you had a great time playing. You were very interested in everything. I think we'll go back especially now that our first snowfall has happened. It's time to hibernate!
We also celebrated Halloween. Your costume was a hit! You now love candy. Sorry for being so mean and only letting you eat 2 pieces. Dad ate the rest of it.
You're starting to hate naps and you really fuss when it's time for one. But you clearly need a nap and are so much happier after one.
An 8th tooth popped up two weeks ago. I think that was the worse one yet! But once it pops up, you're fine again.
When you get a chance to play with your cousins, you are very shy at first, but then warm up. Your cousin that's five months older loves to baby you. She pats your head and gives you hugs. You don't even notice mostly because you are playing with cars. We recently went to a birthday party where you found a table full of trains and cars. You latched on to two cars and wouldn't let go. Other kids tried to take them from you, but you didn't give them up. No fighting or crying was involved, just a firm grip. You didn't look for help. You dealt with it on your own. You are very independent most of the time.
It's amazing how much you know and understand! I showed you twice where your toes were and now you know when I ask, "Where are your toes?" We're teaching you "what does the (blank) say?" and you make the sounds instead of trying to say the word. Your vocabulary hasn't grown but that doesn't mean you don't know what we're saying. When we read a book, I'll ask where the ball, bird, stars or anything is and you know where they are.
You are a very sweet boy who cries when daddy leaves the room. You love to tease Scully. You love to jump on our bed. And you love to cuddle.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The Long Minnesota Goodbye
When I first moved to Minnesota, I thought I knew what to expect. I'd seen Fargo. I heard my Father-in-law say "You Betcha!" and my Mother-in-law say "Oh, YAAAA" countless times. My husband taught me that the casserole I had been eating/making my entire life was actually called a Hotdish and tator-tot hotdish was WAY better than any tator-tot casserole I could ever make. Of course, it's the same recipe, but still. HOTDISH!
Passive-aggressiveness is a way of life and if you don't do it, then you're obviously not from here (or a Foell). Beer drinking during winter is popular - actually, it's popular all year. I know, I know. It's popular in other states as well. But when beer is a staple in your fridge, at your in-laws fridge, are friendly with a brewing company, you dress your kid as a German Bier Drinker for Halloween, it's serious. Funky sweaters, mukluk's, big, poofy winter coats, pasty white skin are just part of the culture too.
In our family after any get-together, we just hang out and talk around the dinner table. Kids running in and out of the room. Dogs clean up the messy floor, thanking the kids for dropping part of their meal. We'll talk about all sorts of stuff. Politics, kids, health care (Minnesotan's LOVE to talk about health care), stories of family members, and break up a few kid fights along the way.
Then, it starts. The Long Minnesota Goodbye. My Brother-in-law starts it.
"I'm tired, let's go."
Then we respond, "Yep, we should go too."
But, no one gets up.
After a few more topics are started and finished, my Brother-in-law says again, "Kid 1, go tell kids 2-5 to get their shoes on, we're leaving."
Justin and I will look at the clock and say, "Yeah, baby Jules is tired, we should go too."
Again, no one gets up. The kids all run in and say, "But we're watching a movie!"
"How much longer is it?"
"10 minutes. Please, we want to finish it!"
"Ok, 10 more minutes."
And we sit around for another 10 minutes. During this round, my father-in-law prepares bags of left-over food we ate that night. It's divided between the two families, mine and Brother-in-law's. One time, we got home with a huge container of corn, rolls and mashed potatoes and my Brother-in-law got a huge container of meat, fruit and gravy. Totally didn't make sense and we've since said, "We thank you for the left-overs but maybe we can divide it equally because what's mashed potatoes when someone else has the gravy?"
Its since been sorted out.
Once the bags are prepared and the movie is done, we make our way to the hallway for the sorting and hunting of shoes and jackets. Kids run from room to room looking for the toys, shoes and jackets they threw about while here. Moms yell at kids to pick up toys. Grandpa hands us bags, "Don't forget your leftovers!" Babies are placed in their carseats. Dads start the car to warm it up. Moms still talk in the hallway. Grandma says, "Justin, can you look at our computer?" Brother-in-law says, "LET'S GO!" and kids give hugs to all family members still in the process of leaving (that's us).
One kid ALWAYS comes back in looking for something. And Grandpa ALWAYS runs out after he found it just before they leave the driveway.
This can take an hour or longer from the moment Brother-in-law says, "I'm tired, lets' go" to "LET'S GO!" and kids are scrambling to give hugs.
We're all guilty of the Long Minnesota Goodbye here. It's just the culture and honestly, it's annoying. Don't mention you're ready to go unless you are ready to go.
Are you guilty of the Long Minnesota Goodbye?
Take a look at how it works.
Passive-aggressiveness is a way of life and if you don't do it, then you're obviously not from here (or a Foell). Beer drinking during winter is popular - actually, it's popular all year. I know, I know. It's popular in other states as well. But when beer is a staple in your fridge, at your in-laws fridge, are friendly with a brewing company, you dress your kid as a German Bier Drinker for Halloween, it's serious. Funky sweaters, mukluk's, big, poofy winter coats, pasty white skin are just part of the culture too.
In our family after any get-together, we just hang out and talk around the dinner table. Kids running in and out of the room. Dogs clean up the messy floor, thanking the kids for dropping part of their meal. We'll talk about all sorts of stuff. Politics, kids, health care (Minnesotan's LOVE to talk about health care), stories of family members, and break up a few kid fights along the way.
Then, it starts. The Long Minnesota Goodbye. My Brother-in-law starts it.
"I'm tired, let's go."
Then we respond, "Yep, we should go too."
But, no one gets up.
After a few more topics are started and finished, my Brother-in-law says again, "Kid 1, go tell kids 2-5 to get their shoes on, we're leaving."
Justin and I will look at the clock and say, "Yeah, baby Jules is tired, we should go too."
Again, no one gets up. The kids all run in and say, "But we're watching a movie!"
"How much longer is it?"
"10 minutes. Please, we want to finish it!"
"Ok, 10 more minutes."
And we sit around for another 10 minutes. During this round, my father-in-law prepares bags of left-over food we ate that night. It's divided between the two families, mine and Brother-in-law's. One time, we got home with a huge container of corn, rolls and mashed potatoes and my Brother-in-law got a huge container of meat, fruit and gravy. Totally didn't make sense and we've since said, "We thank you for the left-overs but maybe we can divide it equally because what's mashed potatoes when someone else has the gravy?"
Its since been sorted out.
Once the bags are prepared and the movie is done, we make our way to the hallway for the sorting and hunting of shoes and jackets. Kids run from room to room looking for the toys, shoes and jackets they threw about while here. Moms yell at kids to pick up toys. Grandpa hands us bags, "Don't forget your leftovers!" Babies are placed in their carseats. Dads start the car to warm it up. Moms still talk in the hallway. Grandma says, "Justin, can you look at our computer?" Brother-in-law says, "LET'S GO!" and kids give hugs to all family members still in the process of leaving (that's us).
One kid ALWAYS comes back in looking for something. And Grandpa ALWAYS runs out after he found it just before they leave the driveway.
This can take an hour or longer from the moment Brother-in-law says, "I'm tired, lets' go" to "LET'S GO!" and kids are scrambling to give hugs.
We're all guilty of the Long Minnesota Goodbye here. It's just the culture and honestly, it's annoying. Don't mention you're ready to go unless you are ready to go.
Are you guilty of the Long Minnesota Goodbye?
Take a look at how it works.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Old People Get Confused
A few months ago we went to our neighbors for National Night Out. Our neighborhood is old and we have a lot of older residents. Not saying anything bad about them, they are good neighbors.
During the event, our Mayor came by to talk about the safety of the city and neighborhoods. We live in a very safe city, btw. Then he spoke about what to do in case of break-ins, theft, or anything where you'd need to call 911.
"Call 911 if you have any problems," he said.
Thanks, Mayor.
Just then, an older neighbor who watches too much television said, "Do I call 411 after 911?"
I immediately started myself.
The Mayor was thrown and said "What?"
"You know, on t.v. the cop says to call 411 after 911."
Oh boy, he's getting real life confused with a personal injury commercial. I'd like to see what happens if he really does call 411 after calling 911.
Not that something like this would happen in our neighborhood, but here's how it could all go down:
Old man: (walks out to his car) "What the? HEY, someone broke into my car!"
OM: I better not touch anything in case they want to test for prints. I better go call 911.
911: 911 what is your emergency?
OM: Yes, I was on my way to the doctors office and I walked out to find that my car was broken in to!
911: Is anyone hurt?
OM: The window is all busted and glass is everywhere!
911: Sir, is anyone hurt?
OM: I think they took my dashboard compass!
911: Sir, I put in a call and a police officer will be there shortly. Is anyone hurt?
OM: No, but now I'm going to be late to the doctors office. I guess I should call them to tell them.
911: Ok, sir, I'm going to let you go. A police officer is on his way.
OM: Ok, thanks. bye
OM: Dials 411.
411: 411 Pain, how can we help you?
OM: Oh, well, my car was just broken into and I saw the cop on the commercial say to call 411 after I call 911. I spoke to 911 and they are sending a cop over.
411: Umm were you hurt?
OM: No. Someone broke into my car.
411: Yes, but if you weren't hurt then we can't help you.
OM: Should I call back after I get a police report? He's on his way now.
411: No, we are personal injury lawyers. If you weren't hurt, then there is no case.
OM: Oh. Well I got confused because the commercial said to call you after I called 911.
411: Yes, after you've been in an accident.
OM: I see. Ok then, thank you.
411: Yep, no problem.
See. Confusion. I wonder how many times 411 Pain gets calls like that. Lets help our older neighbors by telling them not to believe everything they see on t.v.
During the event, our Mayor came by to talk about the safety of the city and neighborhoods. We live in a very safe city, btw. Then he spoke about what to do in case of break-ins, theft, or anything where you'd need to call 911.
"Call 911 if you have any problems," he said.
Thanks, Mayor.
Just then, an older neighbor who watches too much television said, "Do I call 411 after 911?"
I immediately started myself.
The Mayor was thrown and said "What?"
"You know, on t.v. the cop says to call 411 after 911."
Oh boy, he's getting real life confused with a personal injury commercial. I'd like to see what happens if he really does call 411 after calling 911.
Not that something like this would happen in our neighborhood, but here's how it could all go down:
Old man: (walks out to his car) "What the? HEY, someone broke into my car!"
OM: I better not touch anything in case they want to test for prints. I better go call 911.
911: 911 what is your emergency?
OM: Yes, I was on my way to the doctors office and I walked out to find that my car was broken in to!
911: Is anyone hurt?
OM: The window is all busted and glass is everywhere!
911: Sir, is anyone hurt?
OM: I think they took my dashboard compass!
911: Sir, I put in a call and a police officer will be there shortly. Is anyone hurt?
OM: No, but now I'm going to be late to the doctors office. I guess I should call them to tell them.
911: Ok, sir, I'm going to let you go. A police officer is on his way.
OM: Ok, thanks. bye
OM: Dials 411.
411: 411 Pain, how can we help you?
OM: Oh, well, my car was just broken into and I saw the cop on the commercial say to call 411 after I call 911. I spoke to 911 and they are sending a cop over.
411: Umm were you hurt?
OM: No. Someone broke into my car.
411: Yes, but if you weren't hurt then we can't help you.
OM: Should I call back after I get a police report? He's on his way now.
411: No, we are personal injury lawyers. If you weren't hurt, then there is no case.
OM: Oh. Well I got confused because the commercial said to call you after I called 911.
411: Yes, after you've been in an accident.
OM: I see. Ok then, thank you.
411: Yep, no problem.
See. Confusion. I wonder how many times 411 Pain gets calls like that. Lets help our older neighbors by telling them not to believe everything they see on t.v.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
16 Months
I had no intentions of going so long without posting anything. We've been busy and I'm a jerk, really. Sorry, friends.
Jules, you are 16 months and now a professional walker. No more crawling unless it's under the table to reach something or push a car.
We got your hair cut for the first time a few weeks back and you cried like it was pure TORTURE! It was over in less than four minutes but that was four minutes too long for you. Even with a cool ball to hold on to, a sucker, bubbles and any other trick they could think of to get you to stop crying. What worked was her being done.
She trimmed you up without looking too grown up and put all your hair in an envelope for me.
During the torture
After, at home
You're a great sleeper, 12 hours a night. You are still a good eater but starting to get picky with some things. You LOVE bananas and ask for them all the time! You love little cars and sleep with stuffed animals. Binkies are mostly gone but you've been so sick lately so I give it to you for comfort. And speaking of sickness, you have some sort of virus and haven't been yourself for a while now. We can't wait til you're back to cute, normal self.
You have weighed 22lbs for almost six months now but grew three inches! You're between size 12 and 18 month clothes. You love to put your shoes on and you love to be outside pushing your stroller. Good thing we live in a cul de sac with no traffic.
I showed everyone how well you sign. I'm not sure if you've added any new words but you have definitely added more signs. You now sign:
fish (sometimes)
You understand train and bath but those are a tad difficult to sign.
We bought you Signing Times and Baby Signing Times and you LOVE them. They are nice and short (about 20 minutes), have catchy tunes and easy signs. (I got them at If you haven't been there, you're missing out. Visit too.)
You now love books and bring them to us to read. Anytime you see a dog or a horse or anything with four legs in a book you immediately sign or scream "Doggie!" It's cute.
You still get frustrated with things and will throw a little fit, but we try to refocus you on something else and it works most of the time.
You understand when we ask you something. (Where's your car/water/lamby? Sit down. Come here. Etc.) We've included you with things like throwing something away, giving Scully a treat (you just throw it at her. At least you don't try to eat it!), walking to your bedroom to go to bed instead of carrying you. And exploring the house without us hovering over you all the time. (Don't worry, we don't let him out of our sight for very long.)
I changed up my work schedule so I can spend more time with you. Dad needs a break to get work done and I miss you! And, guess what? I love it! You and I just hang out and play all day.
Time flies, baby Jules!
Jules, you are 16 months and now a professional walker. No more crawling unless it's under the table to reach something or push a car.
We got your hair cut for the first time a few weeks back and you cried like it was pure TORTURE! It was over in less than four minutes but that was four minutes too long for you. Even with a cool ball to hold on to, a sucker, bubbles and any other trick they could think of to get you to stop crying. What worked was her being done.
She trimmed you up without looking too grown up and put all your hair in an envelope for me.
During the torture
After, at home
You're a great sleeper, 12 hours a night. You are still a good eater but starting to get picky with some things. You LOVE bananas and ask for them all the time! You love little cars and sleep with stuffed animals. Binkies are mostly gone but you've been so sick lately so I give it to you for comfort. And speaking of sickness, you have some sort of virus and haven't been yourself for a while now. We can't wait til you're back to cute, normal self.
You have weighed 22lbs for almost six months now but grew three inches! You're between size 12 and 18 month clothes. You love to put your shoes on and you love to be outside pushing your stroller. Good thing we live in a cul de sac with no traffic.
I showed everyone how well you sign. I'm not sure if you've added any new words but you have definitely added more signs. You now sign:
fish (sometimes)
You understand train and bath but those are a tad difficult to sign.
We bought you Signing Times and Baby Signing Times and you LOVE them. They are nice and short (about 20 minutes), have catchy tunes and easy signs. (I got them at If you haven't been there, you're missing out. Visit too.)
You now love books and bring them to us to read. Anytime you see a dog or a horse or anything with four legs in a book you immediately sign or scream "Doggie!" It's cute.
You still get frustrated with things and will throw a little fit, but we try to refocus you on something else and it works most of the time.
You understand when we ask you something. (Where's your car/water/lamby? Sit down. Come here. Etc.) We've included you with things like throwing something away, giving Scully a treat (you just throw it at her. At least you don't try to eat it!), walking to your bedroom to go to bed instead of carrying you. And exploring the house without us hovering over you all the time. (Don't worry, we don't let him out of our sight for very long.)
I changed up my work schedule so I can spend more time with you. Dad needs a break to get work done and I miss you! And, guess what? I love it! You and I just hang out and play all day.
Time flies, baby Jules!
Friday, October 01, 2010
Busy Boy
He's busy these days (no idea with what, but he's ALWAYS walking around like he's got things to do).
I've been (surprisingly!) busy at work. You may see me on Facebook and you're right, I am! But it's for work. "Riiiiiiiight Jessi" I know, sounds fake but for reals, I'm actually helping a department use it to their advantage. So I get to figure everything out before pretending I'm the expert and show them how to use a certain app or whatever they want.
Justin's about to be more busy too which is also good. Busy = work = money. Amazing how that works. So with that, I'm doing a modified work schedule starting Monday. (Can I just say that my company is awesome offering alternative schedules? Well they are!)
Anyway, so ya, I'll be able to spend some more time with Jules and Justin will get a break. Hopefully this will be a nice balance.
He's getting so big and smart, I don't want to miss anymore of his cuteness.
I've been (surprisingly!) busy at work. You may see me on Facebook and you're right, I am! But it's for work. "Riiiiiiiight Jessi" I know, sounds fake but for reals, I'm actually helping a department use it to their advantage. So I get to figure everything out before pretending I'm the expert and show them how to use a certain app or whatever they want.
Justin's about to be more busy too which is also good. Busy = work = money. Amazing how that works. So with that, I'm doing a modified work schedule starting Monday. (Can I just say that my company is awesome offering alternative schedules? Well they are!)
Anyway, so ya, I'll be able to spend some more time with Jules and Justin will get a break. Hopefully this will be a nice balance.
He's getting so big and smart, I don't want to miss anymore of his cuteness.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
15 Months
This was a big month for you. You are officially walking, signing to communicate, understanding and listening, hitting and throwing fits, and still stealing the hearts of the neighborhood ladies.
Walking was a big milestone! You practiced all the time but preferred crawling until about 2 weeks ago when you decided that walking was really the way to move. And now you've got places to go and fast! You love to wear shoes, which is great since now you won't slip while walking.
Too fast for photos!
Busy, busy boy you are. With walking all over the place, you also love to push your cars and anything with wheels from the kitchen to the living room and back again. You line them up and push them one at a time. You have a method, although I can't tell what it is, but you are very serious about this activity.
You sign eat, all done, doggy, more, milk, bye-bye (which is also night-night), you know where your nose and ears are and you mastered pointing at things. You understand other signs too so you'll probably be doing them soon. We got you Signing Times (with Alex and Leah!) and you LOVE it. It's super cute and the music is catchy (just ask us how we know :) )
You also understand us. We ask you to do something and you do it.
Me: (puts baby Jules in his crib) Go night-night!
BJ: Waves night-night
Me: Ok, night-night, lay down
BJ: lays down and giggles.
So cute. :)
You do get frustrated and with that comes the hitting and screaming. We try to stop you and get you focused on something else, but sometimes the tantrums are funny. We still love you even when you're being a little dramatic.
Scully is scared of you because you hit her for fun. That's not funny! So she probably isn't your friend anymore.
You're still a little guy but you grew 3 inches in 3 months! So now you're at 50% for height and 15% for weight. You still wear size medium cloth diapers and size 12-month clothes.
You were the baby of the family until Cousin Deacon showed up a tad early. You haven't met him yet but you will soon. We'll see how you are around him. If you're good, maybe you'll get a new brother or sister. (That's NOT an announcement, so calm down everyone.)
Friday, September 10, 2010
And Just Like That...
We have fall weather.
I've only been here two years and I already want to move to the one place that truly has four seasons.
Not Nevada. Not Texas. Not Minnesota.
Baby Jules doesn't even have any long-sleeved shirts or pants. Because it's SEPTEMBER and we should still be wearing SHORTS and T-SHIRTS.
Ok Justin, you win.
I've only been here two years and I already want to move to the one place that truly has four seasons.
Not Nevada. Not Texas. Not Minnesota.
Baby Jules doesn't even have any long-sleeved shirts or pants. Because it's SEPTEMBER and we should still be wearing SHORTS and T-SHIRTS.
Ok Justin, you win.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
14 Months
As I write this, Jules is closer to 15 months, (and closer to falling off the couch as I type) but I figured I should write up his 14 month post anyway.
All of a sudden, you're a toddler! We left you with Grandma a few weeks back, headed to DCI and you showed her your walking skills. She was so happy to be here during a big milestone. You get better everyday with all the practicing you do. Many times I'll be in the kitchen and you'll just wander in, wobbly with one arm out Frankenstein-like. I know one day you'll run full speed around the house and I know I'll be wishing you were still the little baby who waited forever to crawl, but I'll be so proud of how far you've come.
You LOVE stuffed animals. Any kind, any size. You want them all in your crib even though you throw them out. You point to them (hey, you point now!!) when we walk in because you want us to put them back in your crib for the next time you go to sleep. We love how sweet you are to all stuffed animals.
With all of the growing, you're also testing your limits (to the extreme that a one-year-old can). You throw little tantrums when you don't get your way. It's really funny when you pretend to hit yourself knowing you're being naughty. Most of the time when you don't get your way, we just redirect you to something else and it works. Sometimes, but you can really turn on the tears of injustice.
We're also working with a "no hitting rule" since you go around swatting at Scully. She doesn't like it and my face doesn't like your swatting too.
When it involves me and Scully, it usually goes like this:
Me: "Baby Jules, NO HITTING!" (grab your hand away from Scully)
Baby Jules: AHHHHHH (swat MOM's face fast and furiously)
Me: trying to grab a hand moving at light-speed. "Stop!"
Justin: Laughing
You say: Dada, doggie, duck, nana (banana), and sometimes mama.
Signs you know: Bath, eat/food, all done, milk, more, bye.
You like:
-music and you dance to it
-cars! but really, anything with wheels
-my cell phone
-our laptops
-airplanes in the sky
-climbing on our bed and playing
-feeding Scully from your tray
14 months, what a big boy!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
I got this little blue case at a shopping center in Portsmouth, England in May. I loved how cute and contained it was. It even came with (plastic) silverware! Justin's occasionally used the silverware for Jules since it's small and a perfect size for him.
I started researching Bento lunches, boxes and accessories a few weeks ago. It's pretty simple to do and to get started you don't have to have a cute little box. A simple leftover container will work too. But, really, it's all about presentation! And kids, who wouldn't want to eat something that's a cute heart, star or flower?
My simple Bento. Ranch roll-ups, carrots and hummus (in the little container). Luckily, the divider is removable so I was able to fit everything just right and tight.
It looked like this when I opened it up 4 hours later. But I think I broke a rule...or didn't follow a simple rule of Bento making - make it look good. It's pretty bland looking. So for my next one, I'll try to make it more colorful.
If you're interested in making your lunch neat, tidy and cute, here are a few resources I found:
A flickr pool with meal ideas
Just Bento is a great resource for everything Bento's
Laptop Lunches
Fun Bento's for kids
And just for fun:
Star Wars Bento
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What I Did
I know I'm late posting a 14 month update on baby Jules. We were out of town and I've been busy. He's doing so much, he really needs a monthly update. Coming soon, friends :)
On Friday, I happened to see a show call What Would You Do? on ABC. Basically, what would you do in certain situations like if you saw a dog in a hot car, or a child crying on a busy sidewalk, or a baby left alone in a hot car.
I would like to think that people would get involved, but sadly, the majority of people just walked by not paying attention or completely ignoring the situation.
Really? You'd walk by someone laying in the middle of the street, like they were hurt or dead?
My office overlooks a really busy street. People park and run into the post office or court house all the time. Most of the time they don't bother paying the meter because they think they'll be quick.
And I laugh because the second the people walk away from their car, the parking enforcement rolls up and writes them a ticket. Bang. $40 parking ticket.
Ask me how I know how much it is. Or, better yet, ask Justin.
As I often do, I looked out the window to daydream when a woman with BRIGHT BLONDE HAIR holding what I thought, was a little baby walked up to her car, got in on the drivers side, put the baby in the passengers seat and pulled up to the next open spot (my only guess was that the next meter worked or still had time on it?).
She got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, took out a TODDLER and walked away.
She left the baby!! I panicked! I couldn't see in the car really well. I started to think, "Maybe there's an adult in the car?" But I really couldn't see anything to confirm.
I couldn't sit there knowing that they *may* be an infant sitting in a hot car. So, I went around to other offices and looked out the windows to see if I could get a better look. But I still couldn't confirm.
A co-worker had binoculars (don't ask why) and I still couldn't see.
So I headed out to the street. I crossed and started towards the car. Before I got to it, I looked behind me and the lady was coming, with the toddler. So I casually walked close to her car and peeked in.
Guess what?
There wasn't a baby in the car.
But, guess what else?
I felt so relieved that I was wrong!
(Guess what, you probably won't hear me say that again.)
Seriously, I felt better knowing I went down there to check. I thought he was a baby by the way she was holding him, but the toddler was wearing the same blue striped shirt I thought the baby was wearing.
I know it's cliche, but better safe than sorry.
On Friday, I happened to see a show call What Would You Do? on ABC. Basically, what would you do in certain situations like if you saw a dog in a hot car, or a child crying on a busy sidewalk, or a baby left alone in a hot car.
I would like to think that people would get involved, but sadly, the majority of people just walked by not paying attention or completely ignoring the situation.
Really? You'd walk by someone laying in the middle of the street, like they were hurt or dead?
My office overlooks a really busy street. People park and run into the post office or court house all the time. Most of the time they don't bother paying the meter because they think they'll be quick.
And I laugh because the second the people walk away from their car, the parking enforcement rolls up and writes them a ticket. Bang. $40 parking ticket.
Ask me how I know how much it is. Or, better yet, ask Justin.
As I often do, I looked out the window to daydream when a woman with BRIGHT BLONDE HAIR holding what I thought, was a little baby walked up to her car, got in on the drivers side, put the baby in the passengers seat and pulled up to the next open spot (my only guess was that the next meter worked or still had time on it?).
She got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, took out a TODDLER and walked away.
She left the baby!! I panicked! I couldn't see in the car really well. I started to think, "Maybe there's an adult in the car?" But I really couldn't see anything to confirm.
I couldn't sit there knowing that they *may* be an infant sitting in a hot car. So, I went around to other offices and looked out the windows to see if I could get a better look. But I still couldn't confirm.
A co-worker had binoculars (don't ask why) and I still couldn't see.
So I headed out to the street. I crossed and started towards the car. Before I got to it, I looked behind me and the lady was coming, with the toddler. So I casually walked close to her car and peeked in.
Guess what?
There wasn't a baby in the car.
But, guess what else?
I felt so relieved that I was wrong!
(Guess what, you probably won't hear me say that again.)
Seriously, I felt better knowing I went down there to check. I thought he was a baby by the way she was holding him, but the toddler was wearing the same blue striped shirt I thought the baby was wearing.
I know it's cliche, but better safe than sorry.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Reading while listening to music. Listening to talk shows while trying to read something online.
Watching t.v. while surfing the web.
I'm cluttering my brain with all this multitasking. And I have a feeling you are too.
Watching t.v. while surfing the web.
I'm cluttering my brain with all this multitasking. And I have a feeling you are too.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Went to DCI and All I Got Was a Gas Card
Well, I'm going to DCI but I already got the gas card. They must be really hurting in ticket sales because they were offering a few different promotions. Buy finals tickets, get a $25 gas card AND a cd of your choice (I picked 2008, thank you), free finals tickets to 2009 age-outs, and some promotion with Hard Rock Cafe.
I didn't have a hard time getting finals tickets (except if you call using ticketmaster hard, then YES, IT WAS HARD) or finding a hotel about 3 weeks before the show. Normally, if we don't book 3 months in advance, good luck finding something. This year, we are across the street from the stadium.
We don't have tickets to Quarterfinals and Semi's yet, but I have a feeling it won't be hard getting good seats.
This will be our first time away from Jules for more than a few hours. He'll be home with Grandma getting away with being cute and possibly taking his first unassisted steps. Actually, he started doing it 2 days ago but I'm hoping he doesn't master it while we're gone. I'm not ready for him to grow up while we're away.
Oh, right, he's teething too. So maybe us leaving him with Grandmas won't be a bad thing.
I didn't have a hard time getting finals tickets (except if you call using ticketmaster hard, then YES, IT WAS HARD) or finding a hotel about 3 weeks before the show. Normally, if we don't book 3 months in advance, good luck finding something. This year, we are across the street from the stadium.
We don't have tickets to Quarterfinals and Semi's yet, but I have a feeling it won't be hard getting good seats.
This will be our first time away from Jules for more than a few hours. He'll be home with Grandma getting away with being cute and possibly taking his first unassisted steps. Actually, he started doing it 2 days ago but I'm hoping he doesn't master it while we're gone. I'm not ready for him to grow up while we're away.
Oh, right, he's teething too. So maybe us leaving him with Grandmas won't be a bad thing.
Phantom Regiment
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Summer Recap
Where has the summer gone? It's August and we're trying to take advantage of Minnesota and its warm temps. So we've been outside as much as possible. I've got a bunch of new freckles, wrinkles, and a baby who loves water after finishing swim lessons.
We had a family reunion where Justin and I let our baby fall face first on various outdoor equipment, multiple times.
Boating with tubing wipe-outs:
(oh, ya, I have a youtube account. And while I'm not vlogging, I am posting videos. Justin hates the word "vlogging" "vlogger" and anything like that. Got any suggestions?)
We've also been biking a lot. Well, more like Justin and Jules. I just bike to swim lessons and easy trail rides. I don't like a sore bum.
We swim as much as we can. It helps when your bro-in-law has a pool at his new house. I feel bad inviting ourselves over, but nine times out of ten, they are in the pool too, so it's a good bet we aren't interfering too much.
And now that it's August, DCI is in two weeks and we decided to go. Not looking forward to a 10 hour drive, BUT it beats spending $800 on plane tickets.
And of course, the highlight of summer is the State Fair. Remember, open invite. Stay at my house. Come with us. But you might want to go on a diet now because you'll probably gain a few pounds in one day. Sounds like fun!
We had a family reunion where Justin and I let our baby fall face first on various outdoor equipment, multiple times.
Boating with tubing wipe-outs:
(oh, ya, I have a youtube account. And while I'm not vlogging, I am posting videos. Justin hates the word "vlogging" "vlogger" and anything like that. Got any suggestions?)
We've also been biking a lot. Well, more like Justin and Jules. I just bike to swim lessons and easy trail rides. I don't like a sore bum.
We swim as much as we can. It helps when your bro-in-law has a pool at his new house. I feel bad inviting ourselves over, but nine times out of ten, they are in the pool too, so it's a good bet we aren't interfering too much.
And now that it's August, DCI is in two weeks and we decided to go. Not looking forward to a 10 hour drive, BUT it beats spending $800 on plane tickets.
And of course, the highlight of summer is the State Fair. Remember, open invite. Stay at my house. Come with us. But you might want to go on a diet now because you'll probably gain a few pounds in one day. Sounds like fun!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
An Open Invitation
Our State Fair is the BEST State Fair and you are invited to stay at my house to spend a day (or two or three!) at the Minnesota State Fair eating everything you can. Phew!
Bucket-o-Cookies. Let me tell you, these are so good, so soft, so right out of the oven warm! We have to get some every time. Ok, once you get this, head over to the all-you-can-drink milk (and chocolate!) for $1!
(yes my once 3-month-old needed a wardrobe change.)
Ok, after you've chugged so much milk you wanna puke (because it's hot out). Take a seat...if you can find one.
After resting for a moment, wander around and see if you can spot some interesting people.
Ready for some more food? How about some cheese curds? A staple at the Fair.
Don't like cheese curds? How about a Quesadilla?
Still not your thing? Hmm, ok. Oh! Food on a stick! How about tator tots on a stick?
Or Fried Mac and Cheese on a stick?
Looking for something unusual? The Minnesota State Fair doesn't disappoint! Chocolate covered bacon!
(Not another wardrobe change, we went for a second day!)
For reals, we love the State Fair! Discount tickets are now on sale so if you wanna come up, make your plans! August 26th through Labor Day. Great food, great music, great people watching. So who's in?
Bucket-o-Cookies. Let me tell you, these are so good, so soft, so right out of the oven warm! We have to get some every time. Ok, once you get this, head over to the all-you-can-drink milk (and chocolate!) for $1!
(yes my once 3-month-old needed a wardrobe change.)
Ok, after you've chugged so much milk you wanna puke (because it's hot out). Take a seat...if you can find one.
After resting for a moment, wander around and see if you can spot some interesting people.
Ready for some more food? How about some cheese curds? A staple at the Fair.
Don't like cheese curds? How about a Quesadilla?
Still not your thing? Hmm, ok. Oh! Food on a stick! How about tator tots on a stick?
Or Fried Mac and Cheese on a stick?
Looking for something unusual? The Minnesota State Fair doesn't disappoint! Chocolate covered bacon!
(Not another wardrobe change, we went for a second day!)
For reals, we love the State Fair! Discount tickets are now on sale so if you wanna come up, make your plans! August 26th through Labor Day. Great food, great music, great people watching. So who's in?
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