Trying to warm my hands.

Bundled Baby

We picked out a tree, time to chop.

Justin gives it a go and finishes what we all started.

A very pregnant Heather.

The family on a hay ride. The snow really started getting thick.

Mother and Father-in-Law.

Jake and his drunk bundled baby.

Aren't we cute all cold and frozen? That's Justin's "it's colder than a witches tit" face.

No silly car in the driveway. Just a subie, all covered in snow.

Justin and I cut down a tree the Christmas we lived together. I definitely see the romance in the whole deal, but that's a lot of work. I don't even have a tree this year. Bah Humbug! :)
Wow, and I thought our snow here in Houston was exciting.
I'm all for these 'family outtings' but when it's freakin 7 degrees out NO WAY! Home Depot or even a lame tree lot would be much quicker and you can sometimes pick the tree out without even leaving the car!
Ha! That's what we did last year in Vegas, went to Home Depot. But really, we were only there for 30 minutes. I warmed up in the car a few times and cuddled with the bundled up kids. It wasn't too bad.
Mike, I think the common factor here is Justin. You can borrow him for some Christmas Spirit if you want. But he's actually sharing your mood since he moved back. He hates me right now. ;)
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